Thursday, November 10, 2005


Our assumptions are the source of our results. Our behaviors are simply the means by which we manifest our assumptions. Lasting and significant change occurs when we change our assumptions. A useful process for uncovering individual and group assumptions is dialogue. This process differs from the usual mode of group discussion. The intent of dialogue is not to come to conclusions but to explore the rationale behind people’s perceptions of an issue. In a dialogue, as we share our views on a particular topic with each other we also share the data upon which we base our conclusions. We then invite the other group members to ask questions to help clarify the assumptions that underlie our view. This process is repeated with each member of the group. The purpose is to understand the experiences and information that have led each person to his or her stance. By suspending judgment and debate, dialogue helps create a pool of common meaning. The group can then synthesize from this reservoir of meaning new assumptions to support the achievement of the intended goal.


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