Sunday, September 03, 2006

Thoughtful Leadership

Effective leadership requires leaders and followers to think. We all have thoughts. Typically those thoughts are merely random chatter cluttering our minds. Thinking requires a focus.

We focus on that which interests us. That interest forms the focal point of our thinking. It is the center around which we organize the input of information. Each piece of new information is like a piece of a larger puzzle. By finding where the new piece fits with past knowledge and experience, we add to our understanding. As more pieces of the puzzle fit together, a new and larger picture emerges. When enough pieces have come together, an entirely different perspective may arise. What we once thought becomes transformed. We experience a different reality. Our consciousness expands and we thereby have a new experience of ourselves, others, and the world around us.

To develop our thinking, we need a focal point around which to organize new inputs. To create that central focus we need to discover our passion; that which fires our enthusiasm and energy.

The word “enthusiasm” comes from the Greek word meaning “having the god within.” Enthusiasm is generated from discerning our call. Our call is generated by discovering our mission, vision, and values. Once we understand who we are and who we want to become, we can then decide what we need to do to achieve what we are called to create. Our pursuits then have meaning within a larger context.

When we have a central organizing focus for our lives, we can then assess and integrate the information and experiences we input. Leaders who are clear about what is important to them are more likely to be able to communicate their messages clearly and generate enthusiasm. Followers clear about their priorities are better able to assess the relevance of a leader’s message to the needs of the followers. When leaders and followers share the same focus, they are more likely to be able to influence the context in which they operate.

The quality of our thinking influences the quality of our actions, which determines the quality of our results. Effective leadership begins with effective thinking. What do you think?


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