Leading As Self-Expression
Leading is not so much about what a leader does as it is about who the leader is. Leading is an act of self-expression.
This expression may not be conscious. However, the leader’s actions still emerge from within whether the actions are initiated consciously or unconsciously. The leader’s effectiveness can be improved through increased self-awareness.
What is the self-conscious leader to hold in awareness? Since we are complex beings, our awareness needs to be multifaceted. Our actions emerge from a myriad of interrelated factors. These include, but are by no means limited to, our values, goals, roles, thoughts, feelings, prejudices, intentions, moods, assumptions, attitudes, circumstances, environment; the list goes on. It is unlikely that we can be aware of all the underlying factors influencing our actions. However, the more aspects of our inner and outer environments we can be aware of, the better our ability to make conscious choices regarding our behaviors. Such awareness requires cultivating the skill of mindfulness. As we become more mindful of more aspects of ourselves, we attain increased self-control. As a result we can better lead ourselves and thereby become better leaders of others.