Saturday, May 23, 2015

Power Score

Power Score provides an extensively-researched, well-tested, practical process for helping teams achieve dramatically better results. The authors hope that Power Score will come to be considered the most useful leadership book on the market. An audacious goal. Whether the authors successfully fulfill that hope will be for each reader to decide. Nonetheless, the authors, all members of the acclaimed ghSMART consulting firm, have produced an enormously useful book. They have devised a simple formula for measuring team effectiveness. Three aspects of the team are assessed—priorities, who, and relationships. A successful team has the right priorities, the right people, and the right relationships internally and externally. The authors provide scoring charts whereby teams can assess each aspect with a score of one to ten. The three categories are multiplied together and the result is the team’s power score. Numerous examples are provided to illustrate successes and failures in achieving full-powered teams. There is also a scripted process for reviewing the power score results with a team. The book can serve as a valuable resource for any teams wanting to operate at full power.