Monday, October 08, 2007

Are There Bad Leaders?

Is there such a thing as a bad leader? Followers choose their leader by choosing to follow. If followers become dissatisfied with their leader, they can choose to no longer follow. The person in the lead no longer has a following and is thereby no longer a leader. A leader may be judged as bad by those who are not followers. They may consider the proclaimed leader as ineffective or immoral and judge the person as a poor or bad leader. The followers of that leader, however, continue to choose to follow so must judge that individual worthy for some reason. I am not speaking of people who continue to obey out of fear someone they once selected as a leader. Such individuals are no longer being led but are being bullied. A leader is chosen by the followers. As long as there are those who choose to follow, they must still believe in the effectiveness or worthiness of the leader. They would not consider their leader to be bad. If I perceived someone to be a “bad leader,” I would not give them my loyalty. I follow those I believe to be “good leaders.” So, is there such a thing as a “bad leader?”


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